"How many times do you pray?"
"Twice a day."
"i try to.. "
"how about you?"
"twice a year"
Another one admitted the last time she prayed was many years ago.Both of them had tried drugs and alcohol.
...well, at least we were open and did not give judgemental comments to each other.
Then there's another one who told me she was an atheist but during that group-lunch, she said she's a buddhist... hm, may be she's both atheist and a Buddhist.
As for me, i wish i could be assertive in correcting misconception about Islam when it arised during conversation.... Such as what is haram and halal according to the quran... or said out openly how that i pray in Malay and English instead of Arabic... or to question so called "islamic" laws that were truly did not come from the Quran but so-called "sayings of the prophets."
Today was my aunt's wedding, and she invited her friends from
PERKIM to the small kenduri. As i sat with my dad and casually asked if he wants to debate with them about Islam, he said no.
He said that there will be a time, guidance will come to each one of us.. through a way or someone sent by god...
(then it's up to all of us whether to reject or accept that guidance) and this time he's not up for a debate.. although he was active in online and offline religion debates, but now he'll just rest and does his job as a father.
"Let there be no compulsion in religion" - 2;256 Quran
Truth stands out clear from Error:
whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah
hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks.
And Allah heareth and knoweth all things." -